Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ever feel you STINK?

I love ALL parts of my life: work, home, and church, but do you ever have those days where you think, "Man I stink as ALL of it?" Boy do I!!

I feel that I am running in many different ways and doing NONE of it efficiently. I am treading water at work, grumpy (more than I'd like to admit) to my children, house: lets not even talk about how high my laundry pile is, and wife...with busy season for my husband, we are lucky if we say a complete sentence to each other daily.

However, as bogged down as I get I know these truths:
  • I am completely blessed to have 2 amazing girls, who no matter how grumpy I am still give me kisses and smiles and at the end of the day when Girl 1 is going to bed, I always get an, "I love you Mommy!"
  • A supportive husband who works his butt of too
  • A job I love and want to do
  • Amazing friends and family who area huge help
  • That I am being watched over and protected from above
So, yes, I admit it, I a feel I am on that treadmill running at top speed and moving nowhere, just tiring myself out, but who doesn't!?

So, I can wallow in it or I can move on and focus on what is great! I choose to focus on the great!

1 comment:

The McLane Blog Page: said...

i know the feeling well. no fun! It's good to know others feel similar sometimes, although i wish no one had to ever feel it :)

It was great to see you guys over Easter! Looking forward to August!