Monday, November 30, 2009

Proud Auntie!!

I am excited to report I am an Aunt.  I was a mom, but never an aunt.  My first niece was born on Nov. 29 at 9:24 p.m.

Check her out, she is ADORABLE!!

**I know 2 updated posts in the same week, don't get used to it**

Saturday, November 28, 2009


So...yes I am the worst blogger, for I have been told many times that I do not update my blog on a regular basis. just makes it that much more exciting when I do.

So here is the low down on the Rieck's
From most exciting on down

  1. Taylor's hair is long enough I can put a small french braid in it

  2. Taylor got her first haircut (given by Mommy and ONLY the bangs)

  3. Our Kitchen is Complete-ish (meaning: almost there, pictures to follow)
  4. We are expecting our second child in May
  5. Month ~~ 2 (6 weeks)~~~~3 (12 weeks) ~~~~~~4 (16 weeks)~~~~

    Where did the bump come from? It seemed to appear over-night...really one night I looked like the second picture the next morning WHAMMO, chub! This is the hardest stage for my vanity, for I do not look pregnant, I just look chunky and to make matters worse, not quite in maternity clothes, but my regular clothes NOT fitting so well. It is super attractive to have your pants held together with a hair-tie, don't ya think? But it's all worth it for the cute package at the end.

    Taylor is getting ready to be big sister and we think she is going to be great at it! She loves her baby dolls, she feeds them, puts them down for naps, and when they are sleeping it needs to be quiet. Also, her new thing has been to "kiss the baby" and then she comes over and gives my stomach a smooch. Very ABORABLE!! We are even getting her new room and bed ready. She is going to move into the front room and into a big girl bed; we shall see how it goes. Any suggestions on how to make the transition smooth?

    And for all those wondering minds, no we do not know what we are having, because we are going to let it be a surprise. Yes, really! We are doing it the "old school" way, much to some ummmm....grandparents’ dismay. Why, some may ask...because... But beyond that; people always say each pregnancy is different and I am finding that to be true, because with Taylor I was nauseous ALL the time, with this one...either I am YUCKY or perfectly fine. Also, with Taylor the pregnancy just went along until the end, but this one is keeping us on our toes a little more, so far. But who knows...there is still a looonnnggg way to go. Pregnancy not may favorite, but children...definitely!

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Just becasue she's cute!!

The travels and adventures continue...

Our New Orlean Trip

Easter 2009

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


(I can't figure out how to rotate the picture so it is not sideways. It was frsutrating me...but I decided it is what it is!)

(This picture no problem, Ug!)

Time Goes By Too Fast

Time goes way too is February 4th, the day that Taylor was born. I cannot believe that my baby is one...where does the time go? A year ago she weighed 6 lbs. 1 oz and 18 1/2 inches long and today she is about 18 lbs. and 31 inches. It does not feel like it has been a year! Taylor has brought so much joy and love into our house I cannot imagine how we ever survived without her. We have been blessed with one of the GREATEST, she is just plain...easy going, boy did we luck out. If they are all like her...let's just say we may have a large family.
Taylor at 1:
- Master Walker, loves walking, strongly disliked crawling
- She will eat anything or try to eat anything
- Loves to greet people by saying, "Hi" and waving
-Words she says: hi, shoes, mom, dad/papa, grandpa (bapa), grandma (ama), fish, bye, Jesus,
juice, bath, no (doesn't really say it, but shakes her head)
- Words she signs: more, all done, thank you, please, dog, fish, ball, eat/food, juice, water
- Animal Sounds she knows: monkey, lion, elephant, seal, vulture (don't ask), and cow
- Taylor can fold her hands for prayers
- She can point to her eyes, ears, and nose and sometimes to other peoples
- Loves bath time- learning to blow bubbles in the water during bath time
- Loves Care Bears
- Gives great kisses and hugs
- Loves playing peek-a-boo or "I'm going to get you"
- Sleeps through the night
-Hates to be woken up before she's ready
-Loves getting kisses from the dogs

Happy Birthday Taylor!


So...I have been wanting to take a cake decorating class and I finally did and it was great! The next cake to come...Taylor's birthday party Care Bear cake

Playing Golf with Daddy

Pretty much Kurt hit the balls, Taylor would run after them and grab them, then Kurt would try and take them from Taylor and screaming followed.



Sunday, January 4, 2009

Saturday, January 3, 2009

The Update

It has been a crazy few months...since Thanksgiving it has been none stop, it feels like Christmas came faster this year. It has been a great holiday...full of laughter and joy. Taylor experienced her first Christmas, which meant meeting Santa Claus (she is NOT a fan...yet), meeting lots of people, and presents. She did not get the opening the presents part, she'd remove a piece of wrapping paper, try and eat it, and then get distracted. Opening presents consisted more of mom and dad opening the presents and showing them to Taylor. Also, Taylor has been working on walking. She is an expert glider, a pro walker holding only one hand, and a semi-pro holding no ones hands. She walks a little and tumbles A LOT, she always seems to have some sort of bump or bruise lately. But it doesn't seem to slow her down any.

Also, this holiday we took our first plane ride. The plane ride took us to Northern California to visit my mom's side of the family for New Years. She did GREAT! Luckly, none of the flights we had were we were able to have a whole seat for Taylor.