Monday, April 5, 2010


I think Easter is becoming more fun with T than Christmas (putting all the religious meaning of the holidays aside, of course). She really got into the hunting and finding the eggs and it was SO much fun to watch her. Holidays are much better with children, because you get to enjoy the holiday through them. I get so excited when I think next year we will have two little ones running, may still be crawling, being that he or she will only be 11 months, but if this next was is as eager as Taylor was to be walking, he or she will be.

A I stated before we had a great Easter, Friday we decorated eggs and had a Family Home Evening (mini-lesson on, of course, the Ressurection of Christ).

Then Saturday we went to Auntie Apo's house to help her get ready, because on Sunday we all went to her house and had brunch and hunted for eggs. It was a blast!!

Thank you Apo for openning your home to all of us!

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