Monday, October 27, 2008

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

I am back in the blogging spirit, mostly it is because we finally got a new battery for the camera (member we left our original one in Laughlin). Yes, it has been that long since we have had a working camera. But...not to worry we did have a camcorder, but not helpful for the blog, because I cannot transfer the camcorder video onto the computer. Something about the wrong cords and was much too technical for me, that's Kurt's job.

Well..I cannot believe Halloween is almost here and more, I cannot believe that my baby is practically 9 months, where does the time go? This is Taylor's first Halloween season, so of course, we had to visit a pumpkin patch. She had a BLAST! She loved the giant pumpkins, she'd pound on them, they would make a thump sound, she would laugh, and because she was laughing so hard, she'd fall over. It was quite the sight! We caught some of the moments on camera. Enjoy!

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