Monday, October 27, 2008

She put up a Fight!

So, tonight Taylor did NOT want to go to bed, which has been a pattern that is beginning...the NO NAP syndrome. She puts up a stink, but eventually she goes down. Here is how she fell asleep tonight...she was so tired...she was crying then all of a sudden...silence, it was a little odd, so I went to check on her to see if she was okay and this is how I found her. It was priceless, poor thing just passed out.

Visit to the Pumpkin Patch

I am back in the blogging spirit, mostly it is because we finally got a new battery for the camera (member we left our original one in Laughlin). Yes, it has been that long since we have had a working camera. But...not to worry we did have a camcorder, but not helpful for the blog, because I cannot transfer the camcorder video onto the computer. Something about the wrong cords and was much too technical for me, that's Kurt's job.

Well..I cannot believe Halloween is almost here and more, I cannot believe that my baby is practically 9 months, where does the time go? This is Taylor's first Halloween season, so of course, we had to visit a pumpkin patch. She had a BLAST! She loved the giant pumpkins, she'd pound on them, they would make a thump sound, she would laugh, and because she was laughing so hard, she'd fall over. It was quite the sight! We caught some of the moments on camera. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Taylor Signing

Kurt and I think she says, "more," what do you think?

Learning to Walk

Monday, October 13, 2008

Our Adventures Continue has been months since I last bogged. Much has happened that I want to report, but life just seems to be too busy to sit and blog. So, I will give the short vision and post pictures and video soon. I went back to work, summers over and I am again teaching 4th grade. I have a great class this year. Kurt was "officially" promoted to Manager, which means longer hours and more traveling, but I am continuously told that it will not last like that. Taylor...oh...Taylor, my perfect angel...she is a busy busy busy girl. She has been army crawling since 6 months, but official hands and knee crawling since 6 1/2-7 months. Nothing holds her down, she just wants to be up and running. She can pull herself up on anything she can grasp, couches, tables, chairs, walls, crib...anything! Taylor has a toy walker that she has been getting amazingly successful at. Uses it to walk around the long as it is in a straight line, has not mastered turns yet. She now has 4 teeth, ALL on the bottom, but I can see the top ones trying to come through, which I hope they do soon, because teething equals sleepless nights. However, the lack of top teeth has NOT stopped her from eating regular food. If she can mush it up with her gums she will. Our persistence in teaching sign language is starting to pay off, for Taylor is semi-successful in signing "more" and "all done," but the signing is usually on her terms. What else has our little one mastered...opening and closing cabinets and drawers. Major baby proofing has been taking place in the house. Life is busy, but GREAT, couldn't imagine any other way...just miss the sleep. But as I am told I can catch up on it...ummmm....someday.