Thursday, November 13, 2008
More about Taylor...of course!
Every time I think about Taylor being 9 months I am amazed, for it seems like it was just yesterday we were driving home with her in the car for the first time, Kurt driving at snails pace and taking every turn so cautiously. Man, time flies. Now Taylor is a master crawler and working on becoming a beginner walker. Her favorite thing is to pull herself up on anything, walls, furniture, you and walk. She sometimes forgets that she has not yet mastered the skill and tries to turn to chase the dogs and falls face first. Poor Girl! If you want to be Taylor's new best friend all you have to do is let her grab your fingers and walk her around, instant love! Kurt and I know how lucky we are, Taylor is easy going and, she makes our work easy.
Here is a video to share about Taylor learning the benefits of having two dogs.
Monday, October 27, 2008
She put up a Fight!
So, tonight Taylor did NOT want to go to bed, which has been a pattern that is beginning...the NO NAP syndrome. She puts up a stink, but eventually she goes down. Here is how she fell asleep tonight...she was so tired...she was crying then all of a sudden...silence, it was a little odd, so I went to check on her to see if she was okay and this is how I found her. It was priceless, poor thing just passed out.
Visit to the Pumpkin Patch
I am back in the blogging spirit, mostly it is because we finally got a new battery for the camera (member we left our original one in Laughlin). Yes, it has been that long since we have had a working camera. But...not to worry we did have a camcorder, but not helpful for the blog, because I cannot transfer the camcorder video onto the computer. Something about the wrong cords and was much too technical for me, that's Kurt's job.
Well..I cannot believe Halloween is almost here and more, I cannot believe that my baby is practically 9 months, where does the time go? This is Taylor's first Halloween season, so of course, we had to visit a pumpkin patch. She had a BLAST! She loved the giant pumpkins, she'd pound on them, they would make a thump sound, she would laugh, and because she was laughing so hard, she'd fall over. It was quite the sight! We caught some of the moments on camera. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Monday, October 13, 2008
Our Adventures Continue has been months since I last bogged. Much has happened that I want to report, but life just seems to be too busy to sit and blog. So, I will give the short vision and post pictures and video soon. I went back to work, summers over and I am again teaching 4th grade. I have a great class this year. Kurt was "officially" promoted to Manager, which means longer hours and more traveling, but I am continuously told that it will not last like that. Taylor...oh...Taylor, my perfect angel...she is a busy busy busy girl. She has been army crawling since 6 months, but official hands and knee crawling since 6 1/2-7 months. Nothing holds her down, she just wants to be up and running. She can pull herself up on anything she can grasp, couches, tables, chairs, walls, crib...anything! Taylor has a toy walker that she has been getting amazingly successful at. Uses it to walk around the long as it is in a straight line, has not mastered turns yet. She now has 4 teeth, ALL on the bottom, but I can see the top ones trying to come through, which I hope they do soon, because teething equals sleepless nights. However, the lack of top teeth has NOT stopped her from eating regular food. If she can mush it up with her gums she will. Our persistence in teaching sign language is starting to pay off, for Taylor is semi-successful in signing "more" and "all done," but the signing is usually on her terms. What else has our little one mastered...opening and closing cabinets and drawers. Major baby proofing has been taking place in the house. Life is busy, but GREAT, couldn't imagine any other way...just miss the sleep. But as I am told I can catch up on it...ummmm....someday.
Monday, August 11, 2008
6 Months
Can you believe it? Because I cannot believe that Taylor is already 6 months. Today we had her 6 month check up, she is still long and lanky, just like Daddy. Taylor is rolling and scooting. She soooo badly wants to be mobile, but just quite figure it out yet.
Here she is exactly 6 months, sitting in a high chair, sipping from a sippy cup and eat mashed potatoes from the buffet at Harrah's in Laughlin.

Here she is exactly 6 months, sitting in a high chair, sipping from a sippy cup and eat mashed potatoes from the buffet at Harrah's in Laughlin.
Pictures from our summer fun so far
So here was the deal on the "technically difficulties"...Kurt and I had a little miscommunication on who grabbed the camera battery and charger when packing to come home from Laughlin, so sadly they were left in Laughlin and we will have to go purchase new ones. This is one of Kurt's "favorite" things to do. But oh well, it happens.
Here are some great pictures from our family's summer fun! Enjoy!
"Camping" at Thousand Trails outside Idlewild
It was beautiful while we were up there, not too hot and not too cold. E had tons of fun hanging out with Kurt's grandparents, aunt and her husband and grand-daughter, and Kyle. Kyle held Taylor for the first time that weekend and they had an instant bond. Also, that week-end Taylor took her first sink-bath. She loves the water, no matter if it is a bath or pool.

Visiting the Orange County Fair

Here are just a few pictures from Laughlin. There were so many good check out more visit
Taylor was not a fan of the river water...TOO COLD!
But we had a baby pool and filled it with water from the hose, she loved that, it was much warmer water
While in Laughlin we visited a town called Oatman, it was a town that at one time became deserted once all the gold was taken from it, but the burrows (Spanish word for donkey) stayed behind and repopulated the area, taking over the town. Then once people began to move back to the town, it became popular for the burrows that roam the street, because they are so docile you can feed them and they follow you around town begging for food.

Can you tell it was hot that day? Here is Taylor cooling off in the car with a wet towel on her, but she is still smiling.
This is dinner at Joe's Crab Shack. We forgot a bib, but Joe's was nice enough to let us use one of theirs. It was as big as she is.
Here are some great pictures from our family's summer fun! Enjoy!
"Camping" at Thousand Trails outside Idlewild
It was beautiful while we were up there, not too hot and not too cold. E had tons of fun hanging out with Kurt's grandparents, aunt and her husband and grand-daughter, and Kyle. Kyle held Taylor for the first time that weekend and they had an instant bond. Also, that week-end Taylor took her first sink-bath. She loves the water, no matter if it is a bath or pool.
Visiting the Orange County Fair
Here are just a few pictures from Laughlin. There were so many good check out more visit
While in Laughlin we visited a town called Oatman, it was a town that at one time became deserted once all the gold was taken from it, but the burrows (Spanish word for donkey) stayed behind and repopulated the area, taking over the town. Then once people began to move back to the town, it became popular for the burrows that roam the street, because they are so docile you can feed them and they follow you around town begging for food.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
We're Back!
Laughlin was great! We had a nice semi-large group with us (both sets of grandparents, Cari, myself, Taylor, and Kurt). Hot as usual, but the water was cool, which makes it bearable. We had tons of fun laying out in the sun and playing on the toys. Excitingly, we were able to borrow a boat this year so we were able to go wake boarding. Taylor had a great time, she was not a fan of the river water (too cold). She cried when even a foot was place in. However, that was fine, because we knew that would probably be the case, so we brought a small pool and filled it with water and she loved being in it and splashing around. While in Laughlin we decided to visit a Ghost Town, that no one in the group had been to before. It was called, Oatman...and what was so unusual about this town, was that it had burrows (donkeys) that roamed the street and allowed you to feed and pet them. It was like nothing we'd ever seen and experienced, we had a ton of fun petting them and feeding them. Sadly, the trip was over before we knew it and it was time to head back to reality; however, it was nice to head back with a nice tan.
...and of course we have pictures from our travels...enjoy!
(technically difficulties, check back soon for pictures)
...and of course we have pictures from our travels...enjoy!
(technically difficulties, check back soon for pictures)
Friday, August 1, 2008
(Well needed and deserved)
Off to Laughlin for a few days. Fun in the sun! I am sure we will have some great pictures to share when we get back (all of Taylor, of course). I just plan on sleeping as much as I can...that has been lacking lately.Well, check back in about a week and hopefully I will have updated the blog and you can see new photos of Taylor (and maybe others).
Monday, July 14, 2008
Time Flies!
Wow, how time flies! It feels like just yesterday Taylor entered into our live, but it has been 5 1/2 months and she is getting sooo big, for she is now about 26 inches and 13 1/2 lbs. It feels like everyday she learns or does something new. Sorry, I have not been as efficient on keeping the blog updated, but between me going back to work and our computer dieing, I have not had the time or the means in doing so. However, here I am at Penny's house and I am on a mission to update it to the present.
I am going to start with oldest events and work my way forward:
Taylor has started holding her own bottle (sometimes)

We have even been to Disneyland already together.

Kurt went with his grandparents (Dale and Inez) and his parents to Canada. While in Canada the men went on a 3 day fishing trip, where they caught several fish, but the prize fish was a 30 lb. salmon, which Kurt caught. He was very proud and excited! It looks like there are going to be many salmon dinners in our future. YUM!

Here we are at the Del Mar Fair getting our foot and hand print done:

There have been many other events, but not everything gets captured on camera or film. Taylor is now rolling, she started with back to front as now has succeed it going the other direction also, front to back. I know she did it backwards, but what can I say, but maybe it is a clue of what is to come. Now that she is rolling, she thinks it is funny to try and get the dogs, they are great with her and think it is fun too.
Here is Taylor at 5 months:
Here is an interesting way to sleep:
I am going to start with oldest events and work my way forward:
Taylor has started holding her own bottle (sometimes)
We have even been to Disneyland already together.
Kurt went with his grandparents (Dale and Inez) and his parents to Canada. While in Canada the men went on a 3 day fishing trip, where they caught several fish, but the prize fish was a 30 lb. salmon, which Kurt caught. He was very proud and excited! It looks like there are going to be many salmon dinners in our future. YUM!
That is one HUGE fish!
(remember Kurt is 6'4")
As you can see in the pictures above Kurt has a goatee. While on paternity leave he decided to grow one, it got pretty full, it finally got to the point where it wasn't prickly, but then he had to go back to work and shaved it off.
This summer Taylor has become quite the "water baby". We are in the water together at least once a week, and she LOVES it. She splashes, kicks, swings her arms, and LAUGHS up a storm. Grandma Penny recently got her a floaty and it makes the pool that much more fun (and less stressful...for me).
Here are some pictures of her and us in the pool:
Baby's First Swim
(remember Kurt is 6'4")
As you can see in the pictures above Kurt has a goatee. While on paternity leave he decided to grow one, it got pretty full, it finally got to the point where it wasn't prickly, but then he had to go back to work and shaved it off.
This summer Taylor has become quite the "water baby". We are in the water together at least once a week, and she LOVES it. She splashes, kicks, swings her arms, and LAUGHS up a storm. Grandma Penny recently got her a floaty and it makes the pool that much more fun (and less stressful...for me).
Here are some pictures of her and us in the pool:
Baby's First Swim
Here we are at the Del Mar Fair getting our foot and hand print done:
There have been many other events, but not everything gets captured on camera or film. Taylor is now rolling, she started with back to front as now has succeed it going the other direction also, front to back. I know she did it backwards, but what can I say, but maybe it is a clue of what is to come. Now that she is rolling, she thinks it is funny to try and get the dogs, they are great with her and think it is fun too.
Here is Taylor at 5 months:
"There I roll"
Here is an interesting way to sleep:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Taylor's First Taste of Solid Food
Taylor tried the food, but I am not so sure she liked it. Once it was in her mouth she was not sure what she was supposed to do with it, so most of the time it just came right back out!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Sunday, May 4, 2008
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